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School Site Council

What is a School Site Council?

The School Site Council is a committee composed of school personnel, parents, and other community members.  It provides a forum for the school community to come together to identify common goals and to establish a plan to achieve these goals.   The School Site Council generally meets the first Tuesday of the month at 4:30.  The positions are for two years and are staggered so that not all of the members’ positions expire at the same time.  This allows for continuity from year to year and provides new members with experienced colleagues to call upon for assistance. Each year three to four parent/community members are needed.

What does the SSC do?

According to the San Mateo - Foster City School District Bylaws of School Site Councils, the roles and responsibilities of the Highlands Elementary School Site Council, includes:

  • Development of a School Plan for Student Achievement.  
  • Assessing the educational needs of students and staff through the use of surveys, questionnaires, test data or other processes.
  • Sets and prioritize goals for the school programs.
  • Give advice regarding the content of the written plan developed by the school, which describes the school program and policies.
  • Approves the written plan and recommends it to the Board of Trustees.
  • Continuously reviews the implementation of the plan.
  • Evaluates whether the plan is being carried out in the classrooms and is having the desired  effect upon the students.
  • Review the plan in light of the above evaluation and, if necessary, update it.

Who serves on the School Site Council?

Highlands Elementary School Site Council is an elected, school based council, with equal representation of parents and school staff, that supports and assists in the implementation of the school program and district goal to promote the academic and social development of all students. The School Site Council plays a vital role in the planning and decision making process at the school site.

Participation on the School Site Council affords parents the opportunity to plan and implement new and ongoing programs in collaboration with the staff.  Please consider contributing to the decision making process around curriculum and instruction by participating on the School Site Council.